
What is The Full form of ASD in English and Hindi & Meaning

On this page you are going to get related information from ASD full form.If you do not know what is the meaning of ASD, and what is the Full form of ASD in English, acronym, Definition and Meaning, then you must read this post completely. 

What is the full form of ASD in English -

ASD Full form is " Autism spectrum disorder " and ASD Stands for Autism spectrum disorder. 

In this page , ASD can mean more than one category, so it becomes a bit difficult to tell the full form of ASD in any one category, so to know the full form in all categories, go down a bit. 

what does ASD mean ? And full form in ASD - 

Friends, The Full form of ASD is " Autism spectrum disorder " and full form & Meaning of ASD belong to Medical Term.

But mostly pms full form Name belong to Medical Term, Physical Education, Electrical, Election and Other full forms.

Which means and full form both are different, So check AsD Full Form and Meaning from the table given below.

TermFull formCategory
ASDMedical TermAutism spectrum disorder
ASDPhysical EducationAutism spectrum disorder
ASDElectricaladditional security deposit 
ASDElectionAbsentee, Shifted and Dead Voters
ASDMedicalPremenstrual syndrome
ASDscienceAutism spectrum disorder
ASDBiochemistryAutism spectrum disorder
ASDHDFC Bankaverage Monthly Balance 
AsDpediatricsatrial septal defect
AsdautomobileAutomatic Shutdown Relay
AsdaviationAircraft Situation Display
AsdBankingAdditional Security Deposit
AsdBusiness Affordable Shopping Destination
Asdbescom bill Additional Security Deposit
AsdElectricity billAdditional Security Deposit
Asdcardiologyatrial septal defect

ASD Full form In Hindi Meaning - 

ASD ka Full form " ऑटिज्म स्पेक्ट्रम डिस्ऑर्डर" होता है 

In this post, I have tried to give you information in asd short term, if you want to get more information about this, then definitely tell by commenting.  

we will be very happy if you comment related to full form of asd and meaning of asd.

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