
What is The full form of WIFE? Meaning & Long Name

Do you know what is the full form of Wife and what is the meaning of wife? If you do not know then this article can help you,That's why my only request is that you must read this post completely.

In this post,what is wife Full Form, How does wife stand for, Definition and meaning, Wife full form name, and Wife belong to Housewife like love, Funny, Quotes, comedy, Husband and Wife Etc will get to know, then let's start this post.

What is The full form of Wife in English?

Wife long form and meaning is "Wonderful Item For Enjoyment" 

Funny way Full form of Wife is Without Information Fight Everyday.

Meaning of Wife - 

The word "wife" in the Oxford dictionary means "a person's wife" which means it is a woman that a person marries.  Therefore, a married woman is called "Wife".

The word "wife" means that it is a woman whom a man marries. If a woman is separated from her husband but their legal relationship has not ended, she is still called "wife". But terms like "ex-wife" or "former-wife" are used after divorce, etc. Historically, the word "wife" does not necessarily mean marriage in its literal sense.

Others Meaning and Full form of Wife -

Full form Category Meaning
Wife English Wonderful Item For Enjoyment
Wife Funny Without Information Fighting Every-time
Wife Comedy Without Information Fighting Every-time
Wife House Wonderful Item For Enjoyment
Wife Computer Windows Intelligent Font Environment
Wife Love Wonderful Item For Enjoyment
Wife Positive Wonderful Intelligent Female Entity
Wife Quotes Wonderful Item For Enjoyment
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