
What is the Full form of DPRCIM in English, DPRCIM Stands for

On this page you are going to get related information from Dprcim full form.If you do not know what is the meaning of Dprcim, and what is the Full form of Dprcim in English, acronym, Definition and Meaning, then you must read this post completely. 

What is the full form of Dprcim in English -

DPRCIM Stands for - Deputy Commission of Police Crime new delhi

In this page , Dprcim can mean more than one category, so it becomes a bit difficult to tell the full form of Dprcim in any one category, so to know the full form in all categories, go down a bit. 

what does DPRCIM mean ? And full form in DPRCIM - 

Friends, Dprcim full form " Deputy Commissioner of Police Crime new delhi " and full form of Dprcim belong to Delhi police.

But mostly Dprcim full form Name belong to Delhi police Department, Medical, Government, College, Education and Other full forms.

Which means and full form both are different, So check Dprcim Full Form and Meaning from the table given below.

All full form of Dprcim - 

Term Full form Category
DPCRIM Army  n/a
DPCRIM Delhi Deputy Commission of Police Crime new delhi
DPCRIM college Diploma in Criminology
DPCRIM Government Diploma in Criminology
DPCRIM Medical Diploma in Criminology
DPCRIM Medical School Diploma in Criminology
DPCRIM Education Diploma in Criminology

Read more - STI Full form in English

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